manga club

what is manga club?

If you are a manga fan, Manga Club is the perfect way to enhance your reading experience while enjoying exclusive perks! Manga Club gives you access to a ton of services meant to help make following a series easier, and save some money, too!

what are the benefits of manga club?

When you join Manga Club, we make it easy to order, pre-order, and purchase all your favorite manga series!

  • Guarantee new releases as soon as they come out by subscribing to your favorite series
  • Take 10% off all purchases for series you are subscribed to
  • Starting a new series? If you need to special order any volumes, you will get 10% off special orders for back orders
  • Earn a $10 gift card for every 10 manga volumes you purchase

how much does manga club cost?

Manga Club costs $10 for one calendar year!

anything else I need to know?

Not really! We try to make it very easy.

get started by purchasing a membership today!